Department of Biochemistry

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    Fish oil supplementation protects against protein undernutrition-induced testicular and ovarian biochemical alterations in rats
    (Elsevier, 2023-03-25) Adebayo, Olusegun
    Proteins are required for biological functions and their inadequacy might impair the growth and development of the reproductive system. The study investigated the effects of fish oil (FO) supplementation on low-protein diet-induced alterations in male and female reproductive organs. Male and female rats were assigned randomly to four groups respectively. The NPD rats had five rats per group and were given 16% casein diet while the LPD rats had eight rats per group and received 5% casein diet. After the 8th week, FO was administered for 3 weeks via oral gavage at a concentration of 400 mg Kg− 1 after which the rats were sacrificed, and testes and ovaries were excised. LPD-fed rats showed lower body weights for both genders. In LPD-fed rats, NO was significantly increased while GSH, vitamins C and E levels, the activities of CAT (except in ovaries), and GST were significantly reduced in both tissues. The activities of SOD and GPx were only reduced in the testes including sperm count, motility, and increase deformed sperm cells. Testosterone and progesterone levels were also reduced and lipid homeostasis was disrupted in the plasma of LPD-fed rats. FO supplementation reduces the NO, CHOL, TG, LDL (in females), and VLDL but significantly improves HDL (in females), testosterone, and progesterone levels, sperm count, motility, and morphology. The antioxidant status of both tissues also increased significantly in LPDfed rats. Conclusively, FO might be effective in improving testicular and ovarian functions and for the maintenance of plasma lipid homeostasis in LPD-fed rats.
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    Effect of Selenium and Zinc Supplementation on Reproductive Organs Following Postnatal Protein Malnutrition
    (Springer, 2023-07-01) Adebayo, Olusegun
    Protein diets are required for the normal development of the reproductive system and their inadequacy or deficiency might have hazardous functional complications during maturational and developmental stages. The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) supplementation on the male and female reproductive organs of rats with postnatal protein malnutrition. Male and female weanling rats were randomly assigned to six groups respectively. The adequate protein diet rats were fed with 16% casein diet while the protein malnourished diet (PMD) rats were fed with 5% casein diet. After the 8th week of feeding, Se (sodium selenite; Na2SeO3) and Zn (zinc sulfate; ZnSO4·7H2O) were supplemented for 3 weeks. The growth curve of body weights, lipid profile, testosterone and progesterone level, Na+-K+-ATPase activity, oxidative stress, and antioxidant status were evaluated. The results showed that PMD reduced the body weights of male and female rats. It also reduced the activities of catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the testes, but reductions in superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase activities, glutathione, vitamins C and E, testosterone, and progesterone levels were observed in both the testes and ovaries. Furthermore, PMD increased the nitric oxide level in both organs and altered the plasma lipid profiles in both sexes. Se and Zn supplementation, however, restored almost all the alterations observed in all the parameters analyzed. In conclusion, Se and Zn supplementation protects the male and female reproductive organs of rats against postnatal protein malnutrition.
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    Investigation of the Binding Interaction of α -Amylase with Chrysophyllum albidum Seed Extract and its Silver Nanoparticles: A Multi-Spectroscopic Approach
    (ELSEVIER Chemical Data Collections, 2020) Avwioroko, Oghenetega
    The interactions between α-amylase, one of the key enzymes linked with postprandial glucose regulation, and Chrysophyllum albidum seed methanolic extract(CSME) and its greensynthesized silver nanoparticles(CSAgNP) were investigated using multiple spectroscopy including Fourier Transform Infrared(FT-IR), ultraviolet(UV)-visible absorption, fluorescence spectroscopy, and biochemical analysis. FT-IR spectroscopy revealed presence of some functional groups in the samples. CSME and CSAgNP inhibited α-amylase. The intrinsic fluorescence intensity of α-amylase was quenched by CSME and CSAgNP via static mechanisms, indicating formation of complex between the enzyme and inhibitors. α AmylaseCSAgNP complex had higher binding constants. The binding processes were exothermic, entropy driven, spontaneous, and involved hydrogen bonds and van der Waals force. Synchronous fluorescence quenching indicated alteration in microenvironment of α-amylase catalytic site tyrosine residues. FT-IR spectroscopy revealed shifts in amide I peak position of α-amylase due to interaction with CSME/CSAgNP. Absorption spectroscopy also affirmed changes in enzyme conformation. This study may provide theoretical basis for designing novel α-amylase inhibitors.
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    Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant, α-amylase Inhibition, Binding Interaction and Docking Studies of Justicia carnea Bioactive Compounds with α-amylase
    (ELSEVIER Biophysical Chemistry, 2021) Avwioroko, Oghenetega
    The present study investigated the antioxidant and in vitro antidiabetic capacities of Justicia carnea aqueous leaf extract (JCAE) using α-amylase inhibition model. α-Amylase binding-interaction with JCAE was also investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular docking. Phytochemical screening and Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis indicated presence of bioactive compounds. Phenolic (132 mg GAE/g) and flavonoid contents (31.08 mg CE/g) were high. JCAE exhibited high antioxidant capacity and effectively inhibited α-amylase activity (IC50, 671.43 ± 1.88 μg/mL), though lesser than acarbose effect (IC50, 108.91 ± 0.61 μg/mL). α-Amylase intrinsic fluorescence was quenched in the presence of JCAE. Ultraviolet-visible and FTIR spectroscopies affirmed mild changes in α-amylase conformation. Synchronous fluorescence analysis indicated alterations in the microenvironments of tryptophan residues near α-amylase active site. Molecular docking affirmed non polar interactions of compounds 6 and 7 in JCAE with Asp-197 and Trp-58 residues of α-amylase, respectively. Overall, JCAE indicated potential to prevent postprandial hyperglycemia by slowing down carbohydrate hydrolysis
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    Neuroprotective Activity of Ipomoea cairica Leaf Extract against Cadmium Chloride-Induced Biochemical Changes in the Brain of Male Wistar Rats
    (Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 2022) Avwioroko, Oghenetega
    Background: Exposure to cadmium is implicated in the etiology of some neurodegenerative diseases. Compounds isolated from Ipomoea cairica extract are neuroprotective. However, there is no reported neuroprotective activity of the crude extract of I. cairica (ICE). We investigated the neuroprotective activity of I. cairica extract against cadmiuminduced biochemical changes in the brain of male Wistar rats. Thirty-six animals were divided into four groups of 9 animals per group: group I (Control); group II (3.5 mg/kg CdCl2); group III (100 mg/kg ICE+ CdCl2); and group IV (250 mg/kg ICE+ CdCl2). Animals were pretreated with 100 and 250 mg/kg ICE before co-administration with cadmium chloride. Results: CdCl2 treatment caused a signifcant increase in acetylcholineesterase activity, lipid peroxidation, beta-amy- loid aggregation, caspase 3 and 9, p53, and glutamate concentration. In addition, CdCl2 caused a signifcant decrease in catalase activity, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase, Na+/K+ ATPase, and glutamate dehydrogenase. ICE was able to reduce the neuronal damaging efect of CdCl2 by acting as an antioxidant, antiapoptotic, anticho- linesterase, and antiexcitotoxicity. Conclusions: Our findings show that Ipomoea cairica leaf can be developed and included in the natural product in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.