Department of Architecture


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 61
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    Assessment of Blockchain Smart Contracts Usage for Sustainable Construction Projects in Nigeria.
    (Joint Safety, Health, and Well-being in Construction (W099) and People in Construction (W123), 2024-10) Aderonmu, Peter A.
    Innovative technologies such as blockchain smart contracts have been developed to digitalize traditional paper contracts, handle delay in payments, disputes and lack of trust among parties to a contract. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the application of blockchain smart contracts in the Nigerian construction industry, with a view to recommending its adoption strategies for sustainable construction projects. The study adopted the quantitative research approach through a questionnaire survey. Data was collected from 182 stakeholders in the Nigerian construction industry through a snowballing sampling technique; these stakeholders were grouped as clients, contractors, and consultants. The analysis was done using descriptive statistics, while Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test for reliability. The analysis revealed that the three groups of stakeholders were not aware of the features of blockchain smart contracts since the outcome ranked below the average mean item score. The findings also revealed that 83.5% of the stakeholders have never used blockchain smart contracts in construction projects. Moreover, the analysis on the readiness to use blockchain smart contracts showed that the stakeholders were fairly ready to use the innovative technology in contracts since the findings ranked above the average mean item score. The study recommends the need for stakeholders’ training on the benefits and usability of blockchain smart contracts, and government policies that will facilitate its adoption in the Nigerian construction industry. This paper offers valuable insights into the readiness of stakeholders to use blockchain technology as a smart contractual arrangement in Nigeria
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    Effects of energy efficient architectural design features on users’ thermal comfort in a typical private Nigerian university
    (Archiculture, 2023-06) Aderonmu, Peter A.
    The effects of energy efficient architectural building design Features on the users’ thermal comfort in public building spaces have become critical concerns on the built environment in Nigeria. This study therefore relied on the collection of data from respondents that receive their lectures from three (3) selected auditorium buildings in Ajayi Crowther University Oyo State Nigeria. The methodology engaged quantitative techniques by the administration of questionnaire (with 40 questions). The study assessed the: (i) existing energy efficiency design features in the auditorium buildings, (ii) application of the energy efficiency design features in the auditorium buildings and (iii) critical success factors that influence the application of the energy efficiency building design features in the auditorium buildings. The results revealed Ten (10) energy efficiency architectural design features applied in the three (3) auditoria with the respondents mostly agreed on the availability of sun shading devices and the use of operable windows. In terms of the application of the architectural building design features in the selected auditoriums, the respondents mostly agreed on the application of raked sitting arrangements ranked 1st, LED (light emitting diode) lighting ranked 2nd, solar shading devices ranked 3rd and green roof as the least (10th) agreed upon respectively. More so, the critical success factors that determine application of architectural building design features in the auditorium buildings, the respondents mostly agreed on the willingness of the school to finance the purchase and installation of these design features (3.50) and the organisation of enlightenment seminars by the school authorities (3.31). This study concluded that improvements in the application of architectural design features that enhance users’ thermal comfort levels can be made inclusive and other more effective energy efficient measures could also be integrated to improve the thermal comfort experiences of the users of the auditorium buildings in the school environment. This study suggested further studies on other smart technologies that can simulate the effects of energy efficiency-tropical design features that can enhance users’ thermal comfort satisfaction
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    Exploring the opportunities in circular design as an affordable housing solution in Nigeria
    (International Conference on Civil Engineering and Technology 2023, 2023) Aderonmu, Peter A.
    The shortage of adequate housing is caused by global challenges such as urbanisation, economic instability, pandemics, and displacements. Additionally, the building sector is resource-intensive, leading to the emergence of the circular economy (CE) that is focused on resource efficiency. The design stage plays a central role in the CE model. However, circular housing design (CHD) in Nigeria has not been thoroughly explored. This study examined the opportunities for implementing CHD in Nigeria. Through a desk review approach, relevant data from the critical review of selected articles from reputable databases in the last five years were synthesized and incorporated into the study. The findings revealed that the adoption of CHD in Nigeria can assist in achieving affordability, decarbonisation, climate change mitigation, improving environmental value, energy optimisation, resource efficiency, and urban mining. More specifically, it will stimulate sustainability in the housing sector, digitalisation, technical expertise development, policies and regulations, land provision, coordination and collaboration, local voluntary stewardship programme, and new market opportunities in housing delivery in Nigeria. There is a need to develop technical skills in CHD through knowledge sharing among design professionals via multi-stakeholder collaborations and investment in technologies, as well as adopting integrated circular project delivery methods in the supply chain.
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    The Need for New Media Technologies in the Teaching of Computer Aided Design Courses in the Digital Design Studio: a case in the architecture department, Covenant University
    (New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017) Aderonmu, Peter A.
    Architecture in Covenant University, the students are assembled in the Digital Design Studio with the advanced computer graphics suite on each system. As in the case of learning technologies, the use of new media is grounded in its value to support sound pedagogical approaches. This paper investigates the current study methods adopted in Architecture by administering questionnaires to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the 2016/2017 batch. The data collected showed a marked learning gap as a result of the adopted method of teaching. It is expected that the introduction of new media technologies and websites for hands-on training will lead to marked improvement in the knowledge dissemination and acquisition.
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    Effects of Energy Efficient Architectural Design Features on Users’ Thermal Comfort in a Typical Private Nigerian University
    (Archiculture, 2023-06) Aderonmu, Peter A.
    The effects of energy efficient architectural building design Features on the users’ thermal comfort in public building spaces have become critical concerns on the built environment in Nigeria. This study therefore relied on the collection of data from respondents that receive their lectures from three (3) selected auditorium buildings in Ajayi Crowther University Oyo State Nigeria. The methodology engaged quantitative techniques by the administration of questionnaire (with 40 questions). The study assessed the: (i) existing energy efficiency design features in the auditorium buildings, (ii) application of the energy efficiency design features in the auditorium buildings and (iii) critical success factors that influence the application of the energy efficiency building design features in the auditorium buildings. The results revealed Ten (10) energy efficiency architectural design features applied in the three (3) auditoria with the respondents mostly agreed on the availability of sun shading devices and the use of operable windows. In terms of the application of the architectural building design features in the selected auditoriums, the respondents mostly agreed on the application of raked sitting arrangements ranked 1st, LED (light emitting diode) lighting ranked 2nd, solar shading devices ranked 3rd and green roof as the least (10th) agreed upon respectively. More so, the critical success factors that determine application of architectural building design features in the auditorium buildings, the respondents mostly agreed on the willingness of the school to finance the purchase and installation of these design features (3.50) and the organisation of enlightenment seminars by the school authorities (3.31). This study concluded that improvements in the application of architectural design features that enhance users’ thermal comfort levels can be made inclusive and other more effective energy efficient measures could also be integrated to improve the thermal comfort experiences of the users of the auditorium buildings in the school environment. This study suggested further studies on other smart technologies that can simulate the effects of energy efficiency-tropical design features that can enhance users’ thermal comfort satisfaction.