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    Knowledge of Plastic Bottle Waste Management and Socio-cultural factors in Ile-Ife city: A Rapid Qualitative Study
    (Department of Arts & Social Science Education, Lead City University, 2022-07-01) Fakunle, Sunday
    Knowledge has produced technologies that have helped to transform product packaging; therefore, many products in liquid form that were formerly in glass bottles are now packaged in plastic bottles, considering the cost effect and portability of the bottles. This transformation has generated proliferation of used plastic bottles and more waste. While several frameworks are in place to manage used plastic bottles, the anticipated outcome is yet to materialize. Hence, this study set out to identify the specific socio-cultural factors that influence the recommended frameworks to manage plastic bottle waste and how this manifests. The study covered the high-density residential areas of Ile-Ife. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select the 16 electoral wards that covered the study location and 2 streets from each of the wards. Also, 2 adult informants were purposively selected in each street, making an aggregate sample size of 64 for this study. An in-depth face-to-face interview was conducted to obtain the primary data for this study. The garnered data was analyzed using content analysis. The study found and concluded that the residents’ attitude, economic conditions and activities, level of knowledge, belief, perception, customs and traditions were the specific socio-cultural factors influencing plastic bottle waste management in the study location.
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    Socio-cultural factors and Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines: A rapid cross-sectional qualitative study.
    (Interdisciplinary Journal of College of Postgraduate Studies Redeemers’ University Ede (Corpus Intellectual), 2022-08) Fakunle, Sunday
    As a result of the perceived infringement of COVID-19 prophylactic measures on people’s freedom as well as their socio-cultural and economic lives, only vaccination has remained, while people have reverted to their respective normal ways of life that portray that the COVID-19 pandemic is over without waiting for the declaration of the World Health Organization. However, almost two years after the discovery of medically approved vaccines for this novel coronavirus, reports have indicated Nigerians’ skepticism about the acceptance of the vaccines. A large number of studies on the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines were internet-based and largely employed quantitative approaches. This condition has resulted in a dearth of qualitative approaches to explore socio-cultural factors influencing the acceptance of the vaccine. Therefore, the sole objective of this study was to discover the current socio-cultural factors influencing the acceptance of the medically approved vaccines using a qualitative approach. Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory was utilized to explain the continuum of the acceptance of the vaccine. The study covered the highly dense residential areas of the Southwest zone of Nigeria. Purposive sampling was adopted to select the 6 State capitals of the zone, each of which 3 electoral wards were purposively selected, making a total of 18 electoral wards. Meanwhile, four informants (2 males and 2 females) who were residents of the study location with several parameters were purposively selected, making a total sample size of 72 for the study. An in-depth face-to-face interview was employed to gather the primary data for this study. The study utilized an interview guide that contained unstructured questions that centered on the sole objective of this study. Both thematic and content analyses were utilized to analyze the collected data. The study found that predestination, belief in supernatural healing, misconception of the vaccine as the satanic mark-666; birth rate control means, economic issues, social vices, political activities and crises, trado-medical practices, ethnocentrism, and stigmatization were the major factors influencing the acceptance of the vaccines. The study concluded that there were several socio-cultural factors that prevented people from taking the approved vaccine in the study location
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    Peculiarities of ICT Adoption in Nigeria
    (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center (, 2021-12-31) Fakunle, Sunday
    From the vantage point of social change and development, studies have indicated that applying information and communication technology (ICT) in people’s daily activities has enabled human beings to amazingly achieve things that were considered unattainable a couple of centuries ago. These remarkable achievements are evident in healthcare system, education, connectivity, economic and religious activities, among others. Studies have further indicated that there is some discrepancy between the extent to which the residents of the advanced countries and developing countries respectively accept ICT use in their daily activities. Hence, the sole objective of this systematic review is to investigate the current position of ICT use by the residents of Nigeria and the socio-cultural, economic, and technical factors that influence the popularity and acceptability of the ICT use in the country. To attain this objective, relevant available previous, mainly indigenous, studies that were published from the year 2015 to the year 2021 were sought and sorted, while the integration of the relevant previous qualitative, quantitative, empirical and theoretical studies were carried out thematically. This study discovered ICT use in tertiary education, maintenance of relationship, complementing healthcare system, ensuring the safety the relatives, religious and economic activities among the residents of the country. The conclusion drawn from this systematic review was that the ICTs use has been widely accepted among Nigerians in their various social activities, however, with challenges posed by several socio-cultural, economic and technical factors.
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    An Empirical Study of Community Involvement in Household Solid Waste Management
    (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center (, 2021-09-30) Fakunle, Sunday
    In recent times, with the main purpose of enhancing public health, proper management of household solid waste in low-income residential areas of urban centres has gained special attention among scholars in developing countries. From the sociological perspective, perception is one of the key determinants of the people’s behaviour in their society. Therefore this study examined the perception of people about solid waste management and identified the key factors influencing this perception. The study was carried out in the first quarters of 2021 and covered Ife Central Local Government Area of Osun State, South-West Nigeria and adopted cross-sectional research design. Purposive sampling method was used to select 5 electoral wards in the Local Government Area where heaps of dirt was more common and 30 households nearer to the heap in each of the wards respectively. The total sample size of 150 used in the study mainly composed the eldest and active female of each the selected household. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the primary data gathered. This study found that the residents were aware of the health-related challenges resulted from improper management of solid waste and were interested in reducing household solid waste generated. However, methods, the cost, lack of cooperation and nonchalant attitude of people were among the major potential factors militating against achieving this.
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    Globalisation and Trends of Changes in Family Institution in Nigerian Society
    (American Center of Science and Education, 2021) Fakunle, Sunday
    As a basic unit of kinship relationships, the family plays a significant role in every Nigerian society. With the occurrence of social change in every society in the contemporary period, Nigerian traditional family structure and setting have undergone significant alterations as a consequence of the influx of the superfluous forces through globalisation. The sole objective of this review was to pinpoint the cultural aspects of the indigenous family system that technological, socio-cultural and economic factors, as components of globalisation, have altered in Nigerian society. In this systematic review, integration of a large body of both quantitative and qualitative findings from previous relevant studies was carried out to achieve the sole objective of this study. Via the available relevant previous studies, this systematic review concluded that several family structures and settings, such as mate selection, family size, family settlement and resident rule (from patrilocal to neolocal), child rearing as well as relationship between work and family role of gender have undergone changes while new pattern of family structure and setting such as non-marital childbearing, single parenthood, non-marital unions, cohabiting couples, single parent family, blended family or contract marriage, homosexual couples are on the increase in the country.