Department of Anatomy

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    Potency of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Instruments on Economic Activities of Nigeria (1960-2011)
    (Journal of African Macroeconomic Review J.A.M.R Journal of African Macroeconomic Review, 2012) Sanni, Micheal Rotimi
    The paper empirically investigated the use of fiscal policy and monetary policy in controlling the economic activities in Nigeria. This was done with the aim of finding out which of the two policies is superior to another. Time series data (from 1960-2011) were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria. (CBN) on such economic variables as Debt Financed Deficits (DFD), Fiscal Deficit Ratio (FDR) and Money Printing Financed Deficits (MPFD)-(proxies for fiscal policy) on one hand and monetary policy. proxy by Narrow Money Supply (MI) and Broad Money Supply (M2) on the other hand. The data were analyzed using Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) method Findings showed that monetary policy instruments exert more influence on the economy when all the five variables were used. The exclusion of MPFD however indicated otherwise. Though no causality exists between the GDP and cach of the variables, the probabilities of the GDP not granger causing monetary policy instruments are less than those of fiscal policy instruments. The conclusion one can easily reach is that none of the policies can be said to be superior to another and that a proper mix of the policies may enhance a better economic growth
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    Post Consolidation Profitability Ranking of Nigerian Banks
    (European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2012) Sanni, Micheal Rotimi
    This paper ranked nineteen (19) out of the existing twenty-four (24) post 2006 consolidation banks in Nigeria on the basis of their cumulative Earnings Per Share (EPS) from 2006-2010 Four banks were excluded because their financial reports for the whole period were not available The fifth was excluded because it was foreign owned for the greater part of the period under review This exercise was done against the back ground of speculations that only eight (8) of the exiting hanks are healthy while six (6) are said to be at the verge of extinction Bath the descriptive and ANOVA statistical methods were used to analyze the data sourced from the published financial statements of the banks over the period under review Findings showed that the post consolidation EPS mean of nine (9) of the banks were above average. There is a significant difference between the mean EPS of the top most banks and the rescued ones. Zenith Bank, First Bank, UBA and GTB are the four top leading banks while Intercontinental Bank, Unity Bank, Wema Bank and Fin Bank are at the bottom of the ladder. The mean EPS of the 2009 rescued banks are negative. They definitely need more than the 2009 bailout to survive. The ongoing merger talks among the banks and the. signing of Memorandum of understanding by them with core investors are therefore seen as the right steps in the right direction
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    Sub-acute Toxicity of Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Leaf Extract in Wistar Rats
    (Journal of Phytology, 2020-11-10) Omotoso, Dayo
    Herbal medicinal plants constitute an integral component of plant biodiversity whose application for therapeutic purposes has been a common practice since antiquity. However, studies have reported tissue pathologies following exposure to herbal medicinal plants or extracts. This study was carried out to assess the possible pathological effects of sub-acute exposure of methanol extract of Caladium bicolor on the hepatic histomorphology of experimental Wistar rats. Twenty four Wistar rats were divided into four groups A-D. Group A was administered with distilled water (2 ml/kg b.w) and groups B-D administered with 100 ml/kg, 200ml/kg and 300ml/kg b.w. of the extract respectively for twenty eight days. The bodyweight of experimental animals was recorded at regular intervals during the study period. After the treatment period, hepatic tissue was harvested, weighed and processed for histopathological study. The results showed that exposure to the extract causes significant (p<0.05) body and organ weight reduction, a significant increase in serum level of ALT and AST as well as prominent hepatic histopathological changes such as inflammation, necrosis and steatosis. Sub-acute exposure to methanol extract of C. bicolor thereby causes dose-independent hepatopathy in experimental animals. Hence, its application for therapeutic purposes needs to be re-evaluated and preferably discontinued to avoid these associated hepatic tissue pathologies.
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    Assessment of the Antiproliferative Potential of Cissampelos owariensis (P. Beauv) Methanolic Extract in Wistar Rats.
    (Journal of Phytology, 2021-12) Omotoso, Dayo
    Cissampelos owariensis is a medicinal plant with a wide range of therapeutic uses. In this study, the objective was to further assess its antiproliferative potential using cell proliferation and tumor suppressor markers. Solvent extraction of the plant leaves was done using methanol. Twenty (20) male albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups 1–4 (n=5) and respectively administered with methanolic extracts of C. owariensis at 0, 100, 300 and 500 mg/kg for 30 days. After treatment, the hepatic tissues were processed and examined histologically and immunohistochemically for cell proliferation (Ki-67) and tumor suppressor (p53) proteins. Immunoexpression of the proteins was quantified using image-J software, the data analyzed with SPSS version 20 and values compared using t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The histological results showed no significant variation in hepatic histomorphology of treated Groups 2–4 relative to non-treated Group 1. However, the immunohisto chemical results showed significant (p< 0.05) downregulation in Ki-67 protein expression and a concomitant significant (p< 0.05) up-regulation in p53 protein expression in hepatic tissues of treated Groups 2–4 relative to non-treated Group 1.These inverse expression patterns of cell proliferation and tumor suppressor proteins following exposure to methanolic extracts of C. owariensis may suggest the antiproliferative potential of the plant extracts.
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    Basic Principles of Fluorescence Microscopy
    (World J Young Researchers, 2013) Omotoso, Dayo
    Fluorescence microscopy is a basic requirement in cell biology , molecular biology and biotechnology . Advancements over the years has helped scientist to trace molecules in live cells and understand the basis of cell metabolism, exchange, mutation and toxicity. In this short communication we seek to explain in simple terms the basic principles of how a fluorescence microscope works. The principles of excitation and emission focuses on the ability of fluorophores to absorb energy from photons and to emit such absorbed energy. The difference between the chemical structures of these fluorephores determines how much energy that is required to excite them and how long a fluorescence signal from a fluorophore will last. The principles of epi-illumination on the other hand describe the arrangement and function of the various components of a fluorescence microscope.