The Effect of Processing on the Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Factors in the Raw, Roasted and Fermented Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seeds

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EC Nutrition
Background of study: Processing methods have been known to influence the nutrients and anti-nutrients present in food substances. Jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) of the family Maraceae; contains edible seeds which is added to various food recipes. Aim: This study was aimed at determining the effect of processing on the proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors in the raw, roasted and fermented samples of Artocarpus heterophyllus seeds. Methodology: The raw seeds were subjected to fermentation and roasting respectively. The samples were then later dried and milled. The proximate analysis of the raw, roasted and fermented samples was done using standard methods. The levels of the following anti-nutrients: tannin, phytic acid, oxalate, and saponin were determined from the raw, roasted and fermented samples respectively using standard methods. Result: Proximate analysis revealed that the raw sample had the highest CHO (65.31%), followed by fermented (62.75%) and the roasted (61.44%). The roasted sample had the highest protein value of (29.59%) followed by the fermented (26.92%) and the raw (24.90%). Crude fat was highest in roasted (1.68%), followed by the raw (1.63%) and the fermented (1.28%). Ash content was highest in the roasted (3.67%) followed by raw (3.56%) and the fermented (3.35%). However, the moisture content was highest in the fermented sample (3.48%) followed by raw (2.56%) and roasted (2.48%). The roasted samples had the highest percentage reduction in all the anti-nutrients (tannin, phytate, oxalate, saponin) as compared to the fermented sample. Conclusion: Roasted jack fruit seed contains the lowest anti-nutrients and can therefore be incorporated into the diet as a safer nutritional supplement
Artocarpus heterophyllus, Anti-Nutritional Factors, Processing
Abiola T., et al. “The Effect of Processing on the Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Factors in the Raw, Roasted and Fermented Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seeds”. EC Nutrition 13.8 (2018).