Liquidity Management and Deposit Money Banks’ Performance in Nigeria

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The primary purpose of this research is to assess the performance of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in terms of liquidity management. A panel data collected from the financial reports of fifteen listed DMBs Nigeria for the ten years timeframe (2009-2018) was used for this study. Normality test has been conducted using Jacque-bera test of normality. Current ratio, cash ratio, quick ratio, capital adequacy ratio and interest coverage ratio have been used as an indicator of liquidity management and returns on asset, returns on equity and earnings per share have been used as proxies for performance. With the help of Hausman test and random effect of panel least square, t test has been used for data analysis with 5% level of significance. Both positive and negative impacts of liquidity management have been observed on the performance of DMBs in Nigeria. The study concludes that liquidity management affect the performance of DMBs in Nigeria and therefore recommends that the regulators should set up board of professionals to oversee liquidity management amongst DMBs in the country, on a regular basis in order to avoid liquidity problem that may ruin the banks.
Liquidity Management, Deposit Money Banks, Returns on Assets, Returns on Equity
Afolabi, T. S. and Williams, H. T. (2019). Liquidity Management and Deposit Money Banks’ Performance in Nigeria. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(12), 169-174