Poverty Discourse in Nigeria: A Review of Causes, Consequences and Alleviation Strategies

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Legaltext Publishing Coy, Ikeja, Lagos.
Worldwide, poverty is unarguably a key determining factor of underdevelopment. poverty is present everywhere in the world, though its magnitude, extent and severity differ from one society to another. it is regarded as a complicated social phenomenon because of the problem associated with ascertaining the causes of the problem. in spite of enormity of natural and material resources that the world is endowed with, m ore than half of the countries in the world are poor. official statistics in developed worlds like United States and United Kingdom in the 21st century show a rise in poverty although many were skeptical about this finding. Nigeria as a country is not free from the claws of poverty, like many other states in Africa, the country is still neck deep in the quagmire of poverty. The choice of highlighting factors influencing poverty in different societies of the world has been the subject of an extensive literature and a variety of measures have been proposed. in Nigeria, policies for poverty reduction have been severally enacted in the country, yet the problem is far from being over. In relation to the above, this paper re-examines causes, consequences and past poverty alleviation strategies adopted in Nigeria.
Poverty, Nigeria, Consequences, Poverty Alleviation, Strategies