The Impacts of Globalization in a Developing Economy (a Vector Autoregression Analysis)

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This paper investigates the impact of globalization on economic development in a developing country from 1982 to 2016using vector auto-regression method. The objective of the study is to investigate the impact of human capital development on globalization in a developing nation. Through this research, we explore some variables proxy for globalization and likely to impact on economic growth. The vector auto-regression shows the coefficient, standard errors and t-statistics of each of the variables, making it clear for us to predict the direction of each variable in the model. The results revealed that economic indicators such as human capital development and government policy are most robust predictors that aids globalization on economic development in a developing nation. With the present economic position in West Africa, globalization being critical for an economy development, led the study to examine the relationship between some macroeconomics variables that can influence globalization and economic development in a developing economic
Globalization, Economic, Human capital, Vector Auto-regression
Williams T., Afolabi T. S., Adegbola D., and Akinola A. (2017). The Impact of Globalization in A Developing Economic (A Vector Autoregression Analysis). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 7(6), 23-31