Youth Programmes and Entrepreneurship Education at the Higher School Level in Sub-Saharan Africa

Majority of the higher institutions in sub-Saharan Africa do not offer specialization in entrepreneurship courses. In Swaziland, Dlamini and Bimha conducted a study to ascertain the effectiveness of a youth entrepreneurship education program in tertiary institutions. The government in Swaziland initiated this program in 2002 with the primary aim of teaching the practical aspect of entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions. Youth programs, especially at the tertiary level, must be structured to include entrepreneurship courses targeted at developing entrepreneurial skills and abilities, thereby making youths/graduates owners of their own business. According to Dlamini and Bimha, youth programs must include entrepreneurship education, which is regarded as a potent tool at fighting unemployment. Many scholars have identified the need for governments in sub-Saharan Africa countries, to inculcate entrepreneurship education in their youth programs.