Effect of Fermentation on Sensory, Nutritional and Antioxidant Properties of Mixtures of Aqueous Extracts of Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Zobo) and Raphia Hookeri (Raffia) Wine

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Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
This study investigated the effect of fermentation on the nutritional, antioxidant and sensory properties of aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa (popularly called Zobo in Nigeria) and Raphia hookeri (raffia) wine mixed in various proportions: P100 - Z0, P80 -Z20, P60 -Z40, P40 -Z60, P20 -Z80 and P0 -Z100. Glucose, soluble protein, vitamin C content, antioxidant activity and sensory properties (colour and taste) were evaluated in fresh mixture preparations, and in formulations fermented at room temperature for 72 h (day 3). Glucose was depleted significantly (p < 0.05) as fermentation progressed, the order of decrease was: P100 - Z0 (97.59%) > P80 -Z20 (95.90%) > P60 - Z40 (95.17%) > P0 - Z100 (90.94%) >P20 -Z80 (71.30%) > P40 -Z60 (66.42%). Soluble protein concentration also decreased with fermentation, the highest and lowest % decrease was observed for the P100 - Z0 (25.97%) and P60 - Z40 (5.35%) respectively. The highest DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity was detected in the P80 - Z20 (72.20%) mix. Sensory evaluations confirmed the best combination was the P80-Z20 raffia wine/zobo extract mixture, this maintained an appealing red colour, sweetness of palm wine and the contributory antioxidant properties from zobo extracts optimized.
Palm wine, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Zobo