Impact of Unsolicited Sms on Covid-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Protocol Awareness Among Civil Servants

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Nigerian Journal of Communication Review (NJCR)
Short Message Services (SMS) have become a viable platform that offers telecom operators and subscribers an instant communication platform. While usage of unsolicited text messages has continued to generate comments and condemnations, especially on the issue of invasion of privacy. A study in the telecom industry in Nigeria reveals that 94% of mobile subscribers use SMS and 77% of subscribers have received unsolicited text messages at one time or the other (Dakin, 2013). This study examines the influence of unsolicited text messages about Covid-19 non-pharmaceutical prevention protocols on awareness and adherence among civil servants in Kwara State. Using a sample size of 342 and descriptive survey design, the study found that unsolicited text message remains an indispensable avenue to disseminate quick information for awareness creation especially, during the pandemic. The study also reveals that unsolicited text messages influence adherence to covid 19 non-pharmaceutical prevention protocols among civil servants in Kwara State. The study recommends that despite condemnations in certain quarters on invasion of privacy through unsolicited text messages, its usage should be encouraged for awareness creation and behaviour modification given its capacity to reach the people directly particularly, during the pandemic and when the situation at hand is life threatening.