Human Resources and Development: Insights from Nigeria
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SVDES Book Series, New Delhi,
Professional managers are key constituents of the human resources in a country. Human resources
have the distinct skills to combine every other factor of production in a way that turns around a
nation’s status of under-development to that of development. The state contributes by establishing
institutions such as the Institute of Management to manage and apply factors of production in the
most fruitful path to development. To ensure professional managers and human resources have
integrity to promote transparency in the corporate world, Institutes of Management requires both
academic and good character qualifications of professional managers. The work, however,
establishes that notwithstanding the positive contributions of professional managers and human
resources to development, Nigeria is not visible in the development chart on account of absence
of enabling environment, ease of doing business and eventual membership of the Group of Twenty.
Olayinka OF, ‘Human Resources and Development: Insights from Nigeria,’ in Raj K Kovid and others (2021 eds), Emerging Contours of Business and Management SVDES Book Series, New Delhi, (ISBN: 978-93-91842-41-3), 16 -23