Womenpressionism and the Reading of Buchi Emecheta’s The Slave Girl

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Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences
It has been observed that only few scholars pay significant attention to the study of women to women oppression in the novels written by African women in spite of the prevalence of this subject within the continent and the world at large. Therefore, this study aims to draw attention to the issue of women oppression by women that are becoming a common subject in African women literature. It seeks to argue that women oppression of women is an obstacle to women aspiration for change to patriarchal hegemony. This study deploys womenpressionism as a theoretical framework in the analysis of oppression as found in the language and action of women characters in the novel The Slave Girl. The novel is selected for its title, the fact that it is the author’s reflection of the life of her mother and for the representation of powerful women in Nigerian during the period of colonialism. Based on our finding, we argue that in order to have an equitable measure of gender balance in any society, women must collectively discourage women oppression of women as the way of dismantling the structure of patriarchy.
Womenpressionism and the reading of buchi emecheta’s the slave girl. (2024). Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 63. https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.63.4