Sustainability Parameters in Knowledge Construction: energy efficiency issues of architectural design studio space

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International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development
This paper reports on the sustainability parameters relevant to knowledge construction in architectural design studio space. A questionnaire with multiple- choice and open-ended questions was used in order to gain an in-depth understanding of patterns of knowledge construction of architecture students; the design studio spaces of B.Sc. and M. Sc. students of Covenant University, Ota was employed as pretested model. The study profile was patterned in the similitude of Article 3 of the European Union EEC Council Directives [1]. The analysis showed varied sustainability (energy efficient characteristics) indices of the design studio learning-working spaces. The specified indices of schools curriculum are relatively indifferent as regards productivity level within this space. This is due to some reasons; which include lack of awareness of sustainability characteristics, orientation, curriculum package for stakeholders, and other pedagogic issues. The results of research findings revealed sustainability attributes in the areas of thermal characteristics, heating installation and usage in the studio, ventilation requirements, other strategies for overcoming these difficulties. This study recommends construction of knowledge and practice in the specificity of sustainability indices.