Assessing The Use of E-Commerce in Heritage Tourism Marketing: Case of National Theatre And National Musuem, Lagos, Nigeria

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The increased commercialization of tourism through E-commerce is now being used to attract and serve relevant target groups. Because of the competitive challenges in today’s tourism business, heritage tourism and E-commerce have to work together in order to make the industry stand the test of time. Study was conducted in National Theatre (NT) and National Museum (NM), Lagos Nigeria to evaluate the use of E-commerce by the two destinations. Data were analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis, One-way Analysis Of Variance, and multivariable linear regressions. Results of the study showed that 96.6% of the respondents in NT and 96.4% in NM agreed that the use of internet established interactive relationship between customers. In NT, 96.7% of the respondents agreed that it is possible to book online packages using E-commerce, while 99.3% agreed to this in Nm. In NT, five constructs out of eleven were significant in enhancing the use of E-commerce in the destination, while none was significant for NM. The overall strengths of relationship between educational statuses of tourists were weak in predicting efficient use of e-commerce for both destinations. However, NM was able to better predict the efficient use of e-commerce than NT. The F-test overall showed that the relationships between educational status and efficient use of e-commerce in NT and NM were not statistically significant. The result of multivariable linear regressions further showed that for the two destinations, the educational status of tourists predicted that the use of e-commerce was not efficient in the marketing of their tourism products and services. The managements of NT and NM, and by extension all other heritage attractions should therefore fashion out strategies on the adoption and efficient use of e-commerce in marketing their institutions in order to enhance service delivery, improve efficiency, maximize and maintain long-term profitability.
E-commerce, Heritage, Lagos, Marketing, Museum, Theatre