Road Crashes and Crime Incidences as Factors Militating against Successful Utilization of Commercial Motorcycles as a Means of Public Transit

The relieve that the operations of commercial motorcyclists bring from the seemingly intractable traffic congestion and shortages Supply of transportation needs on most Nigerian intra-urban routes in the last two decades appears to be coming at great costs. The recent upsurge in crime rates and road crashes, which are arguably related to the operations of these commercial cyclists among other factors is a pointer to this assertion. The paper analyzed the socio-economic gains and losses directly attributable to the operation of these commercial cyclists in the Ibadan metropolis based on data collected from 120 respondents. Focus group discussion was equally held with The operators of these motorcycles. Regression analysis of study variables (location, sex, time of the day, age) revealed that these variables were not seen as determinants of becoming victims of crashes, whereas they are adjudged to be significant factors in becoming crime victims on commercial motorcycles. I was equally discovered that females, the very young and aged respondents were more vulnerable to criminal attacks on commercial motorcycle. Recommendations on effective management of the nation's intra urban traffic maintenance were subsequently made.