Alternatives to Imprisonment in Nigeria: A Sociological Reflection

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This article extended research on the need for the Nigerian Criminal Justice System to fully embrace alternatives to imprisonment and use prison as a last resort. It seeks implementation of strategies that will use imprisonment as last option and also highlights what actors must do to ensure its success. The focus of the article is on how over reliance on imprisonment should be systematically reduced in the country so as to improve the delivery of justice and to integrate international human rights-based standards and norms into local policies and practices and at the same time reduce the prison population. To achieve the above, the article suggested the adoption of related and useful alternatives to imprisonment that may be considered when assessing the needs and demands of the country‘s criminal justice system. It recommends systematic implementation of alternatives at the stages of pre-trial, sentencing and also highlights the early release of sentenced prisoners.
Imprisonment, Alternatives to imprisonment, Prisoners, Criminals, Nigeria, Criminal justice system