Assessment of Innovative Ideas in Nigeria’s Public Sector

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Nova Explore Publications
Public administration as a field of study and practice is undergoing certain changes in order to meet the new demands from society. This is necessary considering the growing complex nature of society and new technological innovations shaping human transactions. Innovative idea in public administration is about evolving new ways of meeting the demands of citizens. This involves a remodeling of the principles and procedures of public administration to achieve prompt response to citizens’ demands and their satisfaction with the service delivered. The focus of this paper is to examine the outcome of these innovative ideas in Nigeria’s public sector. Evidence from extant literature suggests that the Nigerian public administration system is yet to fully inculcate the philosophy behind the idea of innovation management. This is because the idea is not allowed to run a full circle of implementation before it is either discontinued or allowed to die naturally. This is evident by staff appraisals of public officials without well pre-defined objectives, regular auditing of staff strengthen to ascertain those on Government payroll, recruitment processes poorly executed and citizen’s dissatisfaction with public service delivery. Indeed, there is little evidence that show that the structures and processes of government as change remarkably since the return to civil rule. In other words, innovative ideas are yet to take firm root in government establishments. This could be attributed to the lack of support for these innovative ideas by senior public servants. Data for this research was obtained from secondary sources, such as journal articles, books, newspapers, government and online publications. A qualitative approach, using content analysis, was then applied to analyse the data.
Performance management, Public-Private-Partnership, Professionalization