User’s Satisfaction with Residential Facilities in Nigerian Private Universities: A Study of Covenant University

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Transnational Journal of Science and Technology
This study aims at ascertaining the satisfaction derived by residents of the staff residential estate of a Nigerian private university from its facilities with a view of ensuring the functionality and optimal performance of facilities in Universities. In achieving the aim of the study, one hundred and ninety six (196) questionnaires were distributed to the residents of Covenant University’s staff quarters made up of diverse housing units for various cadre of its faculty using the non-probability sampling technique. A total of one hundred and twenty-four (124) questionnaires were returned representing a response rate of 63.26% and collated data was analysed accordingly using the weighted arithmetic mean coupled with the relative importance index. Findings showed that the inhabitants of the university staff quarters were majorly satisfied with the services of five out of the eight principal university facilities maintained by the Physical Planning and Development (PPD) unit. Three other systems were in need of attention as indicated by the relative importance index. Conclusively, the PPD was admonished to continually pay attention on the services of the University’s priced assets which on the long run, would foster an increased satisfaction level for residents of the estate
Users’ satisfaction, Facilities, Residential, Staff quarters, Covenant University