Globalization and Tourist Transport Development in Nigeria: The Conceptual Understanding and Relational Impacts

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International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems
Globalization effects indeed have been profound in the world economy system, creating a globalize economy galvanized into monolithic economic system. The impacts of which is largely pronounced in the developed economy tourist transport system leading to alliances, merger and acquisition, joint venture and etc thereby forming a mega multinational tourist transport corporation. The objective of this paper is to evince the globalisation and tourist transport development in a developing country, and Nigeria, in particular. The paper is divided into sections that look into conceptual and theoretical understanding of globalization and tourist transport, inter- alia, globalisation and emergence of tourist transport in Nigeria, globalization impact on tourist transport and tourist transport challenges in Nigeria and the conclusion. The methodology used for this study is documentary searches, which entails search of existing published and unpublished documents and databases of stakeholders in globalization issues and influence on tourist transport development and a descriptive view into tourist transport statistics in Nigeria.
Tourist transport, Tourist, Deregulation, Infrastructure, Development, Economic growth, Globalization