Impact of Environment Accounting on Financial Performance of Selected Quoted Companies

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International Research Journal of Management and Commerce
Most oil and gas quoted companies in Nigeria have often given insufficient attention to the communities where they operate, this is usually because of the need to regularly increase their profit maximization strategy. This study focuses on the impact of Environmental accounting on financial performance of selected companies in Nigeria. It is based on primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from questionnaire distributed to the selected oil and gas companies while the secondary data were obtained from annual report of the companies considered. The study usedvariables such as environment accounting and financial performance which were represented by questions relating to environment cost in the questionnaire and profit after tax from annual report of the selected quoted companies. These variables were analysed using Linear regression analysis and the result of the analyses shows that there is significant relationship between environmental disclosure and return on equity of the selected quoted oil and gas companies, because the (P-value=0.03 < F statistic value=3.514<0.05), this implies that the alternate hypothesis should be accepted while the null hypothesis will be rejected. Therefore, as a result of this finding, the study concluded that oil and gas producing companies should give preference to their environment so as to improve their future performance and profitability of their operations
Environmental accounting, Performance, Profit after tax, Environmental cost, Profit maximization