Commercialization as a Tool for the Conservation of Environmental Resources

The primary objective of the paper is to report the survey of environmental resources conducted in Ode-Irele forest using two staged technique. This study was framed within the model that sustainable management of environmental resources is a consequence of heavy reliance on subsistence extraction of resources. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages. The result reveals that 65% of the respondents hunted wild animals for food, 62% also traded in wild animals and their products, 69% traded in natural honey, and 86% also traded in medicinal plants. 92% of respondents were involved in collecting wood for use and sale, while 92% were also involved in trade in wild fruits. Most of the respondents, who hunted animals for food, traded in wild animals and their products, natural honey, medicinal plants, wild fruits and those who also collected firewood for use and sale also conserved trees on their farms for the continued availability of the resources. Sustainable use of environmental resources by local residents in natural forested areas could only be achieved if they realize that continued availability of the resources is dependent upon the wise use and most importantly the conservation of the resources
Conservation, Environmental resources, Management, Sustainable
Adeleke, B. O. and Ogunsusi, K. (2018). Commercialisation as a tool for the conservation of environmental resources. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 22: 739-742