A Review of the Challenges that Affect the Quality of Research in Accounting in Nigeria and the Way Out

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CPGS(College of Postgraduate Studies) RUN
Many people believe that management research has little impact on management practice. It is documented that management academic research findings (accounting inclusive) that are published in scholarly management publications have little to no application in real-world settings and that managers who use the results of such research rarely achieve their goals. Despite having a large number of research institutes, universities, polytechnics, and monotechnics funded by the federal, state, and private sectors, Nigeria faces a number of challenges and brain drain. The inability of African research outputs to regularly compete favorably with international researches is of great concern. Recent university rankings typically show that, with the exception of a few South African universities, the majority of African universities perform poorly. For instance, the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), universities, and other African and international stakeholders all agreed that the best way to address the quality of research outputs in the continent would be through a collaborative PhD degree programme. Findings from exploratory research method used for this study revealed that the quality of researches in accounting is affected by the challenges faced by doctoral accounting students, challenges faced by academia and research institutes and that practitioners hardly use outputs of such researches. Findings further showed that the outputs of research findings in accounting are not visible, unlike those in the medical, pure and applied sciences. The outputs, when applied, take longer time to manifest, leading to the wrong notion that they are not applicable. The study recommended ways to mitigate the challenges It also recommended collaboration between researchers in accounting and practitioners in order to bridge the existing gap between them.