Variability of GPS-Derived Ionospheric TEC over Nigeria during a Year of Low Solar Activity

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Canadian Journal of Physics
An investigation on the diurnal and seasonal variability of ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) over Nigeria is carried out in this study using Global Positioning System (GPS) observable. Nigeria coordinates fall within the trough of equatorial ionisation anomaly region of African sector. The TEC data used were obtained from the ground-based GPS receiver stations of the Nigerian GNSS network of stations (NIGNET). The stations with their respective geomagnetic latitudes are: Abuja (􀀀1:64 ), Yola (􀀀1:32 ), Zaria (􀀀0:13 ), Kebbi (0:72 ). The results of the diurnal analysis of the relative variability index (VD) revealed higher nighttime values than daytime values. The diurnal variation of VD also showed two conspicuous peaks: the postmidnight and the post-sunset. The diurnal-seasonal variation does not reveal any consistent pattern (no particular season leads the others throughout). On the average, considering all the seasons together maximum TEC variability occurred in Zaria (62%) and least in Yola (54%). Seasonally, maximum VD was recorded during March equinox and the least was recorded during December equinox.
Ionosphere, Global positioning system, Total electron content, Geomagnetic disturbances, Seasonal variability, Latitudinal variability