Neighbouring Metal Induced Oxidative Addition at the Iron Centre amongst the Iron–arylpyridylphosphine Complexes

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Complexes of the type (g4 -BuC5H5)Fe(CO)2(P) (P = PPh2Py 3, PPhPy2 4, PPy3 5; Py = 2-pyridyl) were sat isfactorily prepared. Upon treatment of 3 with M(CO)3(EtCN)3 (M = Mo, 6a; W, 6b), the pyridyl N-atom could be coordinated to the metal M, which then eliminates a CO ligand from the Fe-centre and induced an oxidative addition of the endo-C–H of (g4 -BuC5H5). This results in a bridged hydrido heterodimetallic complex [(g5 -BuC5H4)Fe(CO)(l-P,N-PPh2Py)(l-H)M(CO)4] (M = Mo, 7a, 81%; W, 7b, 76%). The reaction of 4 or 5 with 6a,b did not give the induced oxidative addition, although these complexes contain more than one pyridyl N-atom. The reaction of 4 with M(CO)4(EtCN)2 (M = Mo, 9a; W, 9b) produced heterodimetal lic complexes [(g4 -BuC5H5)Fe(CO)2(l-P:N,N0 -PPhPy2)M(CO)4] (M = Mo, 10a, 81%; W, 10b, 83%). Treat ment of 5 with 6a,b gave [(g4 -BuC5H5)Fe(CO)2(l-P:N,N0 ,N00-PPy3)M(CO)3] (M = Mo, 12a, 96%; W, 12b, 78%)
Oxidative addition, Hydrides, Arylpyridylphosphines, Iron complexes