Digital Publishing in Nigeria: Evidence of Adoption and Implications for Sustainable Development

As publishers all over the world embrace digital publishing, it is not clear whether their Nigerian counterparts are adjusting to this new reality or not. This study, therefore, aims at finding out, by way of empirical investigation, whether Nigeria’s publishing houses have adopted any digital publishing innovations in the light of the increasing importance of these innovations for the survival of publishing businesses across the globe. The study is anchored on the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and tries to answer the questions as to the extent of adoption the findings show that new design and printing technologies adopted are evident on the current developments discernible in book covers, cover finishing, impression quality, illustrations and binding. Local publishers now produce books in CD-Rom, audio CD and online through the African Books collective. The implication for sustainable development is that perennial paper problems which could have been overcome with digital distribution systems may persist. Power problems make the future look bleak and deepen the nation’s problem of book-shyness