Nutritional, Microbiological and Sensory Quality Assessment of “Pito”, A Home-prepared Traditional Nigerian Beverage.

“Pito” (PT) was prepared using traditional methods with or without enrichment with soybean milk at the ratio of 2:1 (v/v). assessment of the nutrient content, microbiological assay and acceptability of the home-prepared beverage were made and the nutrient content was enriched with soybean. Similar samples of the beverage were also bought from the vendors and compared with laboratory prepared samples. Nutrient values were evaluated on the vendor as well as enriched samples using standard methods of analysis, while bacterial counts were analyzed using nutrient and MacConkey agar. Sensory evaluation was carried out on the local beverage enriched with soybean milk using a 9 hedonic point scale by 48 panelists. Results of chemical analyses revealed an improved nutrient content in PT enriched with soybean compared with home-prepared and laboratory beverage. The value of protein, fat and carbohydrate contents of enriched and home prepared beverages were 2.6±0.4g, 10.3±201g, 0.3±0.3g and 1.8±0.2g, 9.0±0.9g, 7.0±0.9g/100g sample respectively. The beverage enriched with soybean milk was also widely accepted. The enriched beverage could be a source of contribution to daily nutrient intake of individuals.
Home-prepared, non-alcoholic, beverage, pito, nutritional, sensory, microbial quality.
Adeniji, P.O and Keshinro, O.O. (2009): Nutritional, Microbiological and Sensory quality assessment of “Pito”, a home-prepared traditional Nigerian beverage.