Inhibitory Effect of Selected Microorganisms on Aedes and Anopheles Mosquitoes.

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The call for malaria control has increased over the last century. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium. The emergence of insecticides resistant strains has therefore necessitated the need to develop alternative control methods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activities of Bacillus thurigensis. Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gamblae larvae. The bacterial strains were obt0ained from streak culture and subcultured before their insecticides activities were tested. All the bacterial strains were identified as mosquito – toxic after the selective bioassays and the LC50recorded for each bacterial strains. These results indicate that the bacteria are effective against mosquito larvae, so they could be used as an alternative bioinsecticides against mosquitoes.
Aedes, Anopheles, Bacillus thurigensis, Microorganisms, Mosquitoes, Psuedomonas aeruginosa
Onajobi et al., 2021. Inhibitory effect of selected microorganisms on Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes