Costs and Treatment of Drug Abuse, and Addiction in Nigeria

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International Journal of social of social Sciences and Humanities Review
Drug abuse and addiction is treatable, preventable disease yet millions are suffering from effects of the problem. No doubt, drug abuse and addiction is a major burden to society. Substance abuse and drug addiction is an epidemic that impacts the entire society in a variety of ways, including the cost of treatment; every member of the society is affected either directly or indirectly by substance abuse. The harmful effects of drug abuse and addiction on human lives and economic development especially in developed countries of the world are widely acknowledged in the literature. Using formal as well as empirical approaches several researchers have shown that effects and problems associated with drug and addiction are rife in developing countries, and that not much have been done to remedy this malaise. In this light, however, this study reviewed the nature and costs of drug abuse and addiction in Nigeria Costs of abuse and addiction in terms of indebtedness for addicts, costs for family members, costs for the workplace, costs for the society, illegal activities, and physical and psychological costs are examined. The interaction of drug abuse and addiction with other serious infectious diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, and tuberculosis as well as violence, are noted. in addition, various means and methods of treatment for drug dependence people in Nigeria were examined.
Drug, Abuse, Addiction, Diseases, Treatment