The Politics of Leadership Instability in Nigeria's Senate, 1999-2011.

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International Journal of Politics and Good Governance.
The legislature in Nigeria has not lived up to its bidden. Over the years this arm of government has suffered most from the frequent military interventions since 1966. Its powers are usually usurped by the executive arm under every military regime, thereby making its growth stunted and its members immature. Even under democratic governments, the legislature continues to suffer similar ills, but this time from leadership instability. During 1999-2011, the Senate which is the focus of this study witnessed a high turnover in its leadership. The reason for this rapid change in leadership is the bane of this research. Data was collected via secondary sources such as Newspapers, magazines, and journals, and from the result, it was discovered that the frequent executive interference in the affair of the senate, especially in the emergence of its leaders among other factors, is the reason for the frequent change in leadership.
Legislature, Senate, Democracy, Senate Leadership