Antibiotic Resistant Pattern of Some Pathogenic Bacteria and Candida albicans Isolated from Asymptomatic Adolescents and their Susceptibility to Four Medicinal Plant Extracts.

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International Journal of Advanced Research
Sexually transmitted diseases pose severe risks to human health. This study was designed to investigate the state of cleanliness and hygienic practices of adolescents using secondary school age females as case study. One hundred vaginal samples were collected from females within the age range of 9- 20years that attended an urban and a rural general Hospital in Ijebu- North East Local Government Area of Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria with the aid of sterile swab sticks. Wellstructured questionnaire was used to obtain vital information about the students. The samples were processed and identified according to the standard methods. The plant extracts tested were Garcinia kola, Cola milleni, Vernoniaamygdalina, and Brideliaferrugineawhile the antibiotics used were commercial antibiotic disk. Agar disc and well diffusion methods were employed in determining the effect of antibiotics and plant extracts respectively on the isolated organisms. Enzymatic activity was used in determining the pathogenicity of the organisms. Staphylococcus aureus (42%), Lactobacillus species (24%), Escherichia coli (11%), Proteus species (7%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3%) and Candida albicans (13%) were isolated. Four typed bacteria were used as control. The age groups 18- 20 and 15-17 had the highest occurrence with a frequency rate of 48% and 27% respectively. The enzymatic profile revealed high enzymatic activity. Both the antibiotics and the extracts revealed highest inhibitory effects against the standard organisms than the isolated ones. Pefloxacin exhibited the highest inhibitory zone of 9.00 mm and 8.00 mm against both the control and isolated E. coliand P. aeruginosarespectively (P>0.005). Cola milleni had the highest inhibitory effect of 28 mm against P. vulgaris (P< 0.005). The study revealed that the studied subjects harboured pathogenic organisms, also the four plant extracts had more inhibitory effects on the organisms than conventional drugs used.
Asymptomaticadolescents, Vaginal secretion, Microorganisms, Antibiotics, Plant extracts, Antimicrobial activity