X-Bar and R Control Charts Based on Marshall-Olkin Inverse Log-Logistic Distribution for Positive Skewed Data
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The fundamental assumption of variable control chart is that the data are normally distributed and spread randomly about the mean. Process data are not always normally distributed, hence there is need to set up appropriate control charts that gives accurate control limits to monitor processes that are skewed. In this study Shewhart-type control charts for monitoring positively skewed data that are assumed to be from Marshall-Olkin Inverse Loglogistic Distribution (MOILLD) was developed. Average Run Length (ARL) and Control Limits Interval (CLI) were adopted to assess the stability and performance of compared with Classical Shewhart (CS) and Skewness Correction (SC) control charts using the ARL and CLI. It was discovered that the control charts based on MOILLD performed better and are more stable compared to CS and SC control charts. It is therefore recommended that for positively skewed data, a Marshall-Olkin Inverse Loglogistic Distribution based control chart will be more appropriate.
ARL, Control charts, Control limits interval, Marshall-Olkin Inverse Log-logistic Distribution, Skewed distributions.