Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Air Crashes in Nigeria between 1960 and 2012

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Air transport is considered the safest among the modal transport options. Over the years the passenger travel by air has double necessitating stricter national and international regulatory frame work. In spite of the concerted efforts toward ensuring safety on the global scale, incidents of air crashes are still prevalent especially in the developing countries like Nigeria. The Nigerian aviation sector has suffered series of air mishaps since independence in 1960. This study seeks to examine the spatio- temporal pattern of air crashes in Nigeria. The methodology involves longitudinal research design covering over 30 years, from 1960 to 2012. These cut across many segments such as location, factor responsible for the crash, number of survivor, number of death, number of accident per year and number of carrier involved. The data is analysed with descriptive analytical techniques. The study reveals the classification of causal air crashes in Nigeria as human, mechanical, environmental and mixed themes. The study also reveals that the pattern of air crashes in Nigeria follows a cyclic pattern of occurrence over the years. The implication is that stability of the sector against accident is still far fetched. Therefore more
Airplane crashes