Chinese Soft Power and CCTV: Between Exposure to Television Content and Awareness of Chinese Effort at Public Diplomacy in Nigeria

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Soft power has been described as a combination of means used by nations to gain influence using efforts other than military power, force or coercion. As China grows in clout as an economic and diplomatic power, the role of soft power in its activities calls for special attention; especially in the background of the increasing failure of other world powers to use military force in gaining the compliance of smaller and often reluctant nations. This study is a preliminary investigation of the role of CCTV (Chinese Central Television) in China's soft power efforts in Nigeria in particular. Using a purposively selected sample of residents in Lagos, south west Nigeria, the study, in a survey, attempts to evaluate the relevance of CCTV in the overall awareness by citizens of Chinese public diplomacy. It concludes that CCTV's availability to viewers is not giving Chinese soft power any significant boost in Nigeria's mass communication space. Soft power has been described as a combination of means used by nations to gain influence using efforts other than military power, force or coercion. As China grows in clout as an economic and diplomatic power, the role of soft power in its activities calls for special attention; especially in the background of the increasing failure of other world powers to use military force in gaining the compliance of smaller and often reluctant nations. This study is a preliminary investigation of the role of CCTV (Chinese Central Television) in China's soft power efforts in Nigeria in particular. Using a purposively selected sample of residents in Lagos, south west Nigeria, the study, in a survey, attempts to evaluate the relevance of CCTV in the overall awareness by citizens of Chinese public diplomacy. It concludes that CCTV's availability to viewers is not giving Chinese soft power any significant boost in Nigeria's mass communication space.
Soft power,, Public diplomacy, Chinese Central Television,, Multipolar, International