Bus Rapid Transport Operation and Safety in Lagos Metropolitan of Nigeria

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Redeemer's University Journal of Management and Social Sciences
The hallmark of an ideal public transportation is in its high standard of safety of operation in the movenment of passengers and goods. The public transport concept of BRT had been SHCcessfully inplemented in Lagos metropolis in Nigeria-the largest ur ban conglomeration in the country as an innovation in public transport provision in Nigeria's, but the safety impact on commuters is not known. It is in this light that this study examines the operation impact of BRT buses on the safety of passenger's mobility. The methodology used in this study is the self completion survey method. Data were collected on variables of BRT operation; bearing on safety of the passengers as well as other road users.This is to evaluate the safety of BRT buses as a novel mode of public transportation in Lagos metropolis. The study was analysed through Pearson's moment correlation coefficient, analysis of variance and the multiple regression. The study revealed that there is a significant impact of BRT buses operation on the safety of passengers mobility in Lagos metropolis. This is by providing a safe and convenient means of public transport, as well as other road users and highlights suggestions on way's to enhance sustainable BRT operation and safety of the passengers as well as other road users in Lagos Metropolis.