Predictive Influence of Internet Gaming Addiction on Severities of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Nigerian Adolescents

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International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT)
Background: The predictive influence of gaming addiction on attention deficit hyperactive disorder among adolescents was examined in this study. Materials and Methods: A survey research design utilizing an ex-post facto design was used in a population sample of 338 adolescents purposively selected from a secondary school in Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria. The age range of the students was 10-19 years old, with mean ± standard deviation of 13.60 ±1.867 years. The 14 year olds (18.6%) were the highest population. Most were females (55.9%), while 44.1% were males, giving a male to female ratio of 1:1.27. All 338 students were administered the Game Addiction Questionnaire and the self-report ADHD scale. Result: The prevalence of Internet Gaming Addiction (IGA) was 51% while ADHD prevalence was 9%. There was a significant influence of gaming disorder on ADHD (R² = .122, p = .001), which indicated that gaming disorder explains a 12.2% variance in manifestation of ADHD symptoms. There was also a significant and positive correlation between age and severity of ADHD [Rxy = 0.133; p= 0.01], but there was no significant difference in the level of ADHD symptoms of the participants across sex, though females obtained higher mean scores than males. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of IGA and ADHD. Also, Internet Gaming Addiction is a significant predictor of the severities of ADHD among Nigerian adolescents. While sex does not significantly influence ADHD, age of the adolescents is significantly linked with its severities.
Gaming Addiction, ADHD, Adolescents, Nigeria