Extent of Supply Chain Integration Among Selected Manufacturing Firm In Lagos Metropolis Nigeria

Supply chain integration is an active phase in organisational governance, cooperation, and teamwork of both the upstream and downstream prospects of an organisation. This study examines the extent of supply chain integration among selected manufacturing firms in Lagos metropolis. The study employed a mixed research design structure to investigate the level of integration among participant companies. The target population was employees of the supply chain unit of selected companies from the list of the liability companies of the Nigerian Stock Exchange dealing with consumer goods in Lagos Metropolis. The primary data collected through questionnaires information regarding the extent and level of integration and its performance on the fims. The data obtained coded and analysed using the mean and the standard deviation to determine the extent of integration among the participating supply chain departments. The study reveals a collaborative and cohesive pattern of supply chain integration among manufacturing firms in Lagos Metropolis. The study concludes a strong and robust relationship between manufacturing firms and their supply chain partners. The study recommends a deeper working relationship between the supply chain department and supplier partners to mitigate the challenges allecting supply chain intiegration in the manufacturing industry in Nigeria and enhance better production performance among the selected manufacturing firms
Supply Chain, Integration, Manufacturing, Nigeria, Performance