Population and Economic development in Nigeria: Prospects of the Demographic Dividend

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Much attention in the development field has focused in recent years on research on the "demographic dividend". The demographic transition creates a window of opportunity during which economies may benefit from a temporary increase in the working age share of the population. While many economies have already enjoyed these benefits, they remain a promising opportunity for much of Sub-Saharan Africa. As youth becomes an increasingly precious resource, Nigeria will be one of the few large countries in the world that has young adults in plentiful, and growing, supply. Research in this area has emphasized that the degree to which this dividend is realized depends on the adoption of national policies to improve health, lower fertility, increase human capital, and encourage participation in the formal labour force. On the contrary, if appropriate policies are not formulated, the demographic dividend might, in fact, be a cost, leading to unemployment and an unbearable strain on education, health, and old age security. This paper examines this debate and synthesizes current research on the topic by looking into the demographic dividend being offered to Nigeria and its implications for the country by linking Nigeria's economy and population.
Population and Economic Development in Nigeria: Prospects of the Demographic Dividend
Economy, Development, Demograghic Dividend, Population
Population and Economic Development in Nigeria: Prospects of the Demographic Dividend. In Contemporary Issues in Nigeria: Social - Scientific Perspectives ; G.E. Abikoye, A. M. Sholarin, & E. J. Okechukwu (Eds.), 1-23.