Performance of Rain-Induced Attenuation Prediction Models for Terrestrial Link in Cameroon
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Weather, notably rain, has a negative impact on radio wave propagation between terrestrial and earth-space links at frequencies above 10 GHz. Therefore rain-induced attenuation is a significant propagation impact
that must be considered when designing satellite communication systems. Analysis of rain attenuation for
earth-space links in three locations in Cameroon at V, Ku and Ka bands is investigated using four rain attenuation models: The ITU-R P.618 model, Svjatogor model, Garcia Lopez model and Bryant model at 42.5° elevation angles.
The major goal is to figure out which rain attenuation prediction models are best for satellite communication in
this area. Five years (2013–2017) daily rainfall data obtained from the Tropical Rain Measuring Mission-Precipitation Radar (TRMM-PR) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission's Core Observatory were used for this study. The results showed that the ITUR P.618, Garcia-Lopez, and Svjatogor models performed best in this region. Attenuation ranged from 15 dB to 16 at 42.5° elevation angle for time exceedance of 0.01% at Ku band in all the study locations. For the Ka-band, attenuation varied between 32 dB and 38 dB. Signal availability at Ku-band is possible based on predicted rain attenuation values for 0.01 %-time exceedance. At Ka and V-band, the predicted rain attenuation values for 0.01%-time exceedance have shown that availability of signal is impossible, which infers losses of the signal during such rainfall events across the selected locations in Cameroon.
Attenuation, Models, Terrestrial, Frequency