Development of an Electronic Load IV Curve Tracer to Investigate the Impact of Harmattan Aerosol Loading on PV Module Pern2tkformance in Southwest Nigeria
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Solar Energy
This study investigates the impact of the seasonal Harmattan aerosol loading on PV module efficiency at a station
in Southwest Nigeria. To this end, a simple, open-source, cost effective electronic load I-V curve tracer was
developed to compare the I-V characteristics of a pair of horizontally positioned 80W monocrystalline modules
for the duration of the Harmattan period. The control module was regularly cleaned manually and the other
module left to accumulate the Harmattan dust deposits. In order to obtain the modules’ characteristic parameters,
an Arduino-based pulse width modulation (pwm) duty cycle was implemented to vary simultaneously,
the gate-source voltages, VGS, of two power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) acting
as fast variable loads for the modules. Experimental results acquired from the prototype circuit demonstrate that
this method provides a more accurate approach and faster response than the resistive load tracer method. The
prototype instrument was able to measure and reproduce characteristic curves that are obtainable from the more
expensive branded products. Resulting curves depict reduction in the short circuit current, ISC, the current at
maximum power, IMP, the power output, PMP and the efficiency, η of the dusty module by more than 18% in
comparison with the control module over the measurement period.
Photovoltaic module, I-V/P-V characteristics, MOSFET electronic load, I-V curve tracer, Arduino, Aerosol, PV soiling