Employee Motivation and Organizational Performance of Quoted Firms in the Nigerian Food, Beverage and Tobacco Industry

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Global Journal of Commerce and Management perspective
This study analysed the relationship between motivational strategies and organizational performance; and assessed the percentage contribution of the motivational strategies to organizational performance in the Nigerian food, beverage and tobacco (FOBETO) industry. Primary and secondary data were sourced for this study. Primary data were collected through administration of questionnaire to employees of five purposively selected companies out of 15 quoted companies in the industry. Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting respondents from these companies. Secondary data were sourced from Nigeria Stock Exchange Factbook. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed some of the motivational strategies that have significant relationship with organizational performance in the Nigerian FOBETO industry, at 5% level, included: high salaries and fringe benefits, good welfare packages, autonomy and freedom for performing job; while some do not at the same level of significance. The study concluded that the use of perceived best motivational strategy by employees should be encouraged to bring about remarkable improvement to organizational performance in the industry
Employee Motivation, Organisational performance, Nigeria, Food, Beverage and Tobacco industry