Influence of Personality Characteristics on Architecture Students’ Creativity: the Didactic Roles of Educators in Selected Nigerian Schools

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology
Accounts of the influence of personality characteristics on architecture students’ creativity has largely been pedagogical in ‘modus operandi’. While only few records have been documented on the didactic roles of studio Teachers in nurturing and cultivating creativity among students. Creativity, as a phenomenon, has also been engaged in diverse fields of human endeavours, namely, jurisdictions of arts, philosophy, psychology, law, medical sciences, liberal arts and architecture and other liberal arts. This study investigated the polar influences of extroversion-introversion personality characteristics on students’ creativity in design studio course in order to evaluate the Teachers’ didactic roles in schools. The research was carried out in a survey of architecture students(n=225) in three selected schools of architecture in the Southwest Nigeria. The findings suggested that in spite of polar differences of extroverson and introversion, with the engagement of didactic tools by the design studio Teachers and Instructors, there are lots of merger benefits and synergic associations of attributes in the tutelage process of a well-seasoned professional architects. From these findings, this study suggested that there is urgent need for stakeholders, especially the studio Teachers, parents and guardians of architecture school to understand typical personality attributes of students in order to orchestrate the Gestalt applications in the desirable directions of career developments. This would also assist the Architectural design studio Instructors and Teachers to emphasize the pedagogical Tenets needed on the contents of the syllabi, the relevant indices in the curricula grains and the specifics projects needed by individuals to study optimize the latent potentials in the simile of personality attributes. This would lead to professional competency in didactic handling of Architecture programmes with high-stake achievements.